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I'm Syaza.
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Batman / Zara / Syaza / Adira / Amira / Huixian / Huixian II / Tiara / Aishah / Nav / Mira / Qila / Shira / Hasmah / Dora / Wan
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 1:44 AM

I'm sorry for not blogging that much. I've been busy. Busy with what, you ask? Well, honestly, nothing. I don't know, I just didn't feel like blogging these past few days -.-' But I'm in the mood today! Yay me -____-

So, on the 7th of November, it was the day of The Overdose Gig AND the Prom Audition. So, we kinda have to rush to places. First was the audition. I gotta say, it went pretty well. But there were only like 7 bands auditioning, so I didn't actually felt the competition like when we auditioned for Overdose. After that, we took the opportunity to take the time left and practice for Overdose which is on that same night. I already booked Studio 2 the day before, so yeah. We practiced for an hour and went straight to the TTDI Community Hall. It was pretty early, I guess cause when we got there, there was no one except us. BWAHAHAHA fashionably early? x)

Anyway, we took the opportunity to get a bite to eat at KFC with Bat and her mom. After lunch, we went back to the hall and this time there were already people there setting up stuff. We were there 3 hours before the gig started, so we had plenty of time to set up our instruments and wander around the place. The hall was big. Air-conditioned too! Cammy oh cammy, you missed out on a gig that ACTUALLY had air conditioning. HAHAHA x) Anywoo, I think there were only like 100 people? I don't know, I didn't actually notice. We performed around 9-10 something, I forgot. We were after the band Lycan. Man, that band played Avenged Sevenfold's songs. I didn't know they could actually play all the solo's! So, bravo you guys :D

The crowd was awesome! But, the only downside to this gig was the mic kept electrocuting me! Every time I got near it while touching my bass, I get electrocuted on my lips. It freaking hurt! But overall, it was okay. I had to keep my distance from the mic, though x) I had to go home early because my dad was already there to pick me up. To sum it all up, IT WAS A WICKED AWESOME TIME! :D

PS: I couldn't upload any photos now. I don't know why, my internet is being a bitch. Maybe another time. 

Loser ;]

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